
Sarah and Balto with their new ride
photos/albums/Seattle Area/Assorted/

Sarah and Balto with their new ride || DMC-ZS3@4.1 | 1/100s | f3.5 | ISO80 || 2010-09-09 14:21:15
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Christmas tree, pre-cut || DMC-ZS3@4.1 | 1/40s | f3.3 | ISO80 || 2010-12-05 17:17:45
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P1010880 || DMC-ZS3@4.1 | 1/30s | f3.3 | ISO100 || 2010-07-06 21:54:09

Tags: Sarah Balto

In albums: Seattle Area/Assorted


Taken On: 2010-09-09 14:21:15
Camera: DMC-ZS3
EV: 9.9
Shutter: 1/100 (0.01 s)
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO: 80
Focal Length: 4.1mm
Flash: Off
Full Size: 1824 x 1368